
05/11/2010 18:15

Sidecar ride out on Nov 14th

Riders and riders, I am happy to announce that Shanghai Sideways (a little of self promotion never hurt anybody...) is sponsoring the 51 Race Team for the TianMa racing Festival on the 12th,13th and 14th of November. The 51 Race Team is one of China's most awarded motorbike race teams, they race...


17/08/2010 19:15

How to get a chinese driving license

 Many people ask how they can get their C1D driving license to ride a sidecar so here it is ladies and gentlemen! chinese-driving-license.pdf (67,7 kB) Ride legal, ride safe!


26/07/2010 19:16

who cares...

 I'm on holiday! Ain't life great!?


13/07/2010 17:19

photoshoot with sidecar owners

 Thinking of organizing a photoshoot of sidecar owners with their bikes around town. No clear idea of what we'd do with that (apart from updating our facebook profile picture), a calendar or something I guess.   let me know if you are interested


10/06/2010 10:59

Sidecar covers

 We should receive this Sunday 50 sidecar covers, they will be on sale in most garages in Shanghai but also directly through us. each goes for 280 rmb, they are the replica of the previous edition with a thick material and an elastic around the base. Contact if you...


03/01/2010 06:06


From Sideways Escape! (Click bellow to download the pdf card)


03/01/2010 05:37

January activity

Happy new Year to all of you, may 2010 bring you everything you want and deserve! We are looking for a few riders to organize activities for January and February as the 2 regular animators will be riding for a month from Shanghai to Xixuanbana and Yunnan. Please contact...


14/12/2009 15:35

Santa Claus ride video

here it is!


09/12/2009 18:45

People's Riders Club in the press

On our way to fourtune and glory!  


07/12/2009 19:25

The Santa Claus Ride 2009. a new record!

20 sidecars joined in this year's edition of the Santa Clauds ride! Many Thanks to Carrefour Gubei for their sponsorship, to Forget me Not from the JCEF and to ourselves (yeah we're cool too) for the organization. Photos are visible here:...
